Masks required on the 3rd and 4th Shabbat of the month. In-person attendance is open to members & their guests .
Please contact us if you are not connected with a member and wish to attend.
You don't have to be a member to attend T'chiyah, but if you resonate with our approach and wish to co-create our close-knit, intergenerational, spiritual community, we invite you to become a member.
Want to support T'chiyah, but don't want jump in as a member? Consider becoming a T'chiyah Tender!
T'chiyah members...
RESONATE with our approach to Judaism
SHAPE our communal life through committee work, ritual leadership, idea-generating, and skill-sharing
CONTRIBUTE annual terumah, "dues from the heart," communally-inspired and self-determined monetary contributions to the congregation
SHARE the work of feeding one another by bringing kiddush at least once per year
RECEIVE support and care from our Rabbi, Chesed Committee, and fellow members

Economic accessibility is important to us.
Our terumah approach asks members to contribute to the congregation according to their means.
The term "terumah" comes from the free-will offerings given by the biblical Israelites as contributions to the building of the Mishkan (portable sanctuary) as they wandered in the wilderness.
Our Board publishes a recommended terumah rate each fiscal year, in hopes that those who are able to contribute more will do so to subsidize the participation of those who must pay less. Congregation T'chiyah will never ask you to report your income.
Membership status is not contingent on terumah contributions; no one is turned away for lack of funds.
Member Testimonials:
"Congregation T'chiyah is a touchstone in the center of our lives. This community is more than just a spiritual home -- it is a rich source of friendship, mutual aid, social justice, and education. We found T'chiyah by chance nearly 7 years ago and I am beyond grateful that we did."
- Emily S., parent,
Hashivenu: Jewish Recovery Meeting coordinator
"I love how intergenerational T'chiyah is, and how justice-pursuing it is. It is also, by far, the synagogue where I have been most able to bring my whole self, with all of my intersecting identities, and know that I belong there."
- Zoe S.
"When I started my conversion process I was looking for a congregation that would be open and accepting of me and my identities as I continue to work towards it. My first time attending T'chiyah was a Kabbalat Shabbat service a few years back and it immediately felt like home. Everyone was so open and welcoming and I want to become more involved."
- Brennan M.
Jewish Journeys participant