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Jewish Journeys

Begin, Deepen & Enrich Your Jewish Journey with T'chiyah!


Maybe you're exploring conversion and want to dig into what living a Jewish life is all about; maybe you're a Hebrew school drop-out seeking to plumb tradition for resilience through these fraught times… (or maybe in-between, or neither!)


Whatever your background, if you're newly choosing Judaism for yourself as a convert, or are seeking to establish your identity as a practicing Jew with an adult B’Mitzvah, you’re invited to join in for a year-long intensive online course involving lecture, discussion, independent study, personal practice and chevruta (partnership) learning, covering wide swathes of Jewish history, tradition, spirituality and other aspects of Jewish life.


Our conversion-track and adult b'mitzvah students meet as one class, together via Zoom, recognizing that we all have things to teach one another. We also offer affinity space so that folks can connect to others in similar places in their Jewish journey. 


Our goal for this program is to facilitate empowerment and confidence in exploring Jewish tradition. We strive to cultivate a justice-oriented learning space that is especially supportive of Jews of Color, LGBTQI+ Jews, disabled Jews, and others who are often marginalized by mainstream institutions. This course is designed to satisfy the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association's guideline of academic preparation for Reconstructionist conversion.

You don't need to know Hebrew to participate - texts provided will be offered primarily in English translation, though learning some Hebrew vocabulary will certainly be part of the course.


If you think that this is something that you're interested in, please sign-up here!


Registration is closed for our 2023-24 cohort. If you are interested in receiving more information about our Jewish Journeys course, sign-up below.

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